세계가 담겨 있는 갤러리

렘브란트의 작품들

행복나무 Glücksbaum 2008. 11. 17. 19:52

Dutch Baroque painter, draftsman, teacher, etcher & printmaker

born 1606 - died 1669
Born in: Leyden (South Holland, Netherlands).
Died in: Amsterdam (North Holland, Netherlands).




 Het standbeeld van Rembrandt uit 1852 staat centraal op het



 네덜란드의 대표적인 화가 램브란트는 "돌프 박사의 해부"로 

많은 호평을 받으며 회화의 경지에 도달 했으나

30대의 전성기를 제외하고는 평생을

혹독한 시련속에 보냈다.


  신실한 어머니 코르넬리의 깊은 신앙심이 

그의 영적 성장의 밑거름이 되어,

그의 그림 곳곳에는기독교 정신이 도도히 흐르고 있다.


- 이성희의 "미술관에서 릴케를 만나다"중에서 발췌 - 



  Immagine:Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 129.jpg






 Self Portrait as the Apostle St Paul
Oil on canvas, 1661
3/4 x 30 1/4
inches (91 x 77 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam



Oil on canvas, 82,5 x 65 cm
Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne

암스테르담 항구를 채운 돛의 숲만큼이나 가득했던 재화들은

주먹쥔 손가락 사이로 흐르는 모래알처럼 사라져 버렸다.

세상을 뒤 흔들던 명성도, 가족도, 사랑의 그리움도,

붓의 고뇌도 환상처럼 증발해 버렸다.

그리고 웃음만 남았다. 어둠속에 기묘한 발광채가 된 웃음.

램브란트의 웃는 "자화상 "은 우리를 당혹스럽게 만든다.

쉽사리 화면 속 인물의, 그 표정의,

그 표정에 어리는 빛의 정체를 파악할 수 없기 때문이다.

따라서 우리는 그를 호명할수가 없다.

이 인물은 우리의 언어가 길을 잃는,

빛과 어둠의 미묘한 미궁속에서 우리에게 웃음을 보내고 있다.

누군가를 비웃는 것 같기도 하고, 인생을 달관한 공허한 노인의 웃음이다가 

어느순간 영락없이 천진난만한 아이의 웃음이다.

도대체 저 얼굴안에 얼마나 많은 얼굴과 표정들을 감추고 있는가.....중략




웃는 "자화상"의 두꺼운 덧칠속에는

그 전에 그가 그렸던 자화상들의 흔적들이 새겨져 있다.

모든것을 잃어버린 말년에,

이 자화상을 그리기 위해 거울을 보았을때

그는 어쩌면 중국 경극의 變瞼(변검)처럼, 하염없이 변전하는,

한때는 그의 얼굴이었던 가면들을 파노라마처럼 떠올렸을지도 모르겠다.

마치 투명지에 그린 다양한 표정과 가면들을 여러장 겹쳐 놓고보는 것처럼,

그것은 웃음을 자아내게했을지도 모른다.

그러나 그 웃음은 무상감이나 허무감이라기보다는 차라리 무상과 空에 대한 깨달음이요,

긍정이다.니체의 적극적인 허무주의처럼.



 - 이성희의 "미술관에서 릴케를 만나다"중에서 발췌 - 




 Two Old Men Disputing
Panel, c.1628
3/8 x 23 3/8
inches (72.3 x 59.5 cm)
Private collection




 Samson And Delilah
Panel, 1628
1/8 x 15 5/8
inches (61.4 x 40 cm)
Private collection




 Self-Portrait In A Gorget
Panel, c.1629
7/8 x 12 1/8
inches (38 x 30.9 cm)
Private collection




 Repentant Judas Returning The Pieces Of Silver
Panel, 1629
31 x 40
inches (79 x 102.3 cm)
Private collection




 The Elevation Of The Cross
Oil on canvas, c.1633
3/4 x 28 3/8
inches (96.2 x 72.2 cm)
Private collection




 Saskia Laughing
Panel, 1633
5/8 x 17 1/2
inches (52.5 x 44.5 cm)
Private collection




 Christ In The Storm on The Sea Of Galilee
Oil on canvas, 1633
x 50 inches (160 x 127 cm)
Private collection




 Diana Bathing, with the Stories of Actaeon and Callisto
Oil on canvas, 1634
7/8 x 36 3/4
inches (73.5 x 93.5 cm)
Private collection



Saskia as Flora
Oil on canvas, 125 x 101 cm (transferred to new canvas)
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Jan Six
Oil on canvas, 112 x 102 cm
Six Collection, Amsterdam
Old Rabbi
Oil on wood, 70,5 x 53,5 cm
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
An Old Woman: The Artist's Mother
c. 1629
Oil on panel, 61,3 x 47,3 cm
Royal Collection, Windsor


 Susanna and the Elders
Panel, c.1634
1/2 x 15 1/8
inches (47.2 x 38.6 cm)
Private collection




The Abduction Of Ganymede
Oil on canvas, 1635
1/4 x 51 1/8
inches (171 x 130 cm)
Private collection




Self-portrait With Saskia
Oil on canvas, c.1635
3/8 x 51 1/2
inches (161 x 131 cm)
Private collection



Man in a Golden Helmet
c. 1650
Oil on canvas, 67,5 x 50,7 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Young Jew as Christ
c. 1656
Oil on wood, 25 x 21,5 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin


 The Ascension Of Christ
Oil on canvas, 1636
3/8 x 26 7/8
inches (92.7 x 68.3 cm)
Private collection




Oil on canvas, 1636
3/4 x 79 7/8
inches (185 x 203 cm)
Private collection




 St. Paul at his Writing Desk
Oil on wood, 1629-1630
1/2 x 15 1/4
inches (47 x 39 cm)
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg




 The Raising of Lazarus
Oil on panel, 1630
x 32 inches (96.2 x 81.5 cm)
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles




 Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem
Oil on panel, 1630
7/8 x 18 1/4
inches (58.3 x 46.6 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




 The Holy Family with a Curtain
Oil on wood, 1646
1/4 x 27 1/8
inches (46.5 x 69 cm)
Staatliche Museen, Kassel




 Supper at Emmaus
Oil on canvas, 1648
1/2 x 23 1/2
inches (42 x 60 cm)
Mus? du Louvre, Paris




 The Dream of St Joseph
Oil on canvas, 1650-1655
1/4 x 32 5/8
inches (105 x 83 cm)
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest




 Joseph Accused by Potiphar's Wife
Oil on canvas, 1655
5/8 x 38 1/2
inches (106 x 98 cm)
National Gallery of Art, Washington




 Peter Denouncing Christ
Oil on canvas, 1660
5/8 x 66 1/2
inches (154 x 169 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




 Evangelist Matthew
Oil on canvas, 1661
3/4 x 31 7/8
inches (96 x 81 cm)
Mus? du Louvre, Paris




 Holy Family
Oil on wood, 1640
1/8 x 13 3/8
inches (41 x 34 cm)
Mus? du Louvre, Paris




 Jacob Blessing the Children of Joseph
Oil on canvas, 1656
69 x 82
inches (175.5 x 210.5 cm)
Staatliche Museen, Kassel




 David and Uriah
Oil on canvas, 1665
50 x 46 inches (127 x 117 cm)
Hermitage, St Petersburg




The Return of the Prodigal Son
Oil on canvas, c.1669
x 81 inches (262 x 206 cm)
Hermitage, St Petersburg




 The Return of the Prodigal Son [detail]
Oil on canvas, c.1669
Hermitage, St Petersburg





The Return of the Prodigal Son [detail]
Oil on canvas, c.1669
Hermitage, St Petersburg





 The Return of the Prodigal Son [detail]
Oil on canvas, c.1669
Hermitage, St Petersburg





Portrait Of The Artist In A Flat Cap
Oil on canvas, 1642
Private collection




Sarah Waiting for Tobias
Oil on canvas, 1647
32 x 26
inches (81.3 x 68 cm)
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh




Deposition from the Cross
Oil on panel, 1634
1/8 x 25 1/2
inches (89.5 x 65 cm)
Alte Pinakothek, Munich




 Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery
Oil on wood, 1644
7/8 x 25 5/8
inches (83.8 x 65.4 cm)
National Gallery, London




 The Holy Family with Angels
Oil on canvas, 1645
46 x 35
inches (117 x 91 cm)
Hermitage, St Petersburg




Susanna in the Bath [detail]
Oil on canvas, 1647
Staatliches Lindenau Museum, Berlin




 Susanna in the Bath
Oil on panel, 1647
7/8 x 35 3/4
inches (76 x 91 cm)
Staatliches Lindenau Museum, Berlin




 Bathsheba at Her Bath
Oil on canvas, 1654
7/8 x 55 7/8
inches (142 x 142 cm)
Mus? du Louvre, Paris




 Tobit and Anna with a Kid
Oil on panel, 1626
1/2 x 11 3/4
inches (39.5 x 30 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




 Musical Allegory
Oil on panel, 1626
25 x 18
inches (63.5 x 47.6 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam



The Moneychanger (detail)
Oil on wood, 32 x 42 cm (full picture)
Staatliche Museen, Berlin



 The Prophetess Anna (known as 'Rembrandt's Mother')
Oil on panel, 1631
1/2 x 18 7/8
inches (60 x 48 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




Portrait of Nicolaes Ruts
Oil on mahogany, 1631
5/8 x 34 3/4
inches (118.5 x 88.5 cm)
Frick Collection, New York






 The Anatomy Lecture of Dr Tulp
Oil on panel, 1632
x 85 inches (169 x 216 cm)
Mauritshuis, The Hague




The Anatomy Lecture of Dr Tulp [detail #1]
Oil on panel, 1632
x 85 inches (169 x 216 cm)
Mauritshuis, The Hague



The Anatomy Lecture of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp (detail)
Oil on canvas
Mauritshuis, The Hague
The Mennonite Minister Cornelis Claesz. Anslo in Conversation with his Wife, Aaltje
Oil on canvas, 176 x 210 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin


 Philosopher in Meditation
Oil on wood, 1632
11 x 13
inches (28 x 34 cm)
Mus? du Louvre, Paris




The Stone Bridge
Oil on panel, c.1638
1/2 x 16 5/8
inches (29.5 x 42.5 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




 Portrait of Saskia with a Flower
Oil on wood, 1641
3/4 x 32 3/8
inches (98.5 x 82.5 cm)
Gem?degalerie, Dresden




 The Nightwatch
Oil on canvas, 1642
x 172 inches (363 x 437 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




 The Nightwatch [detail: 1]
Oil on canvas, 1642
x 172 inches (363 x 437 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




The Nightwatch [detail: 2]
Oil on canvas, 1642
x 172 inches (363 x 437 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




 Saskia in Pompous Dress
Oil on wood, c.1642
x 31 inches (99.5 x 78.8 cm)
Staatliche Museen, Kassel




A Girl at a Window
Oil on oak, 1645
1/4 x 25 7/8
inches (82 x 66 cm)
Dulwich College, London







 Aristotle with a Bust of Homer
Oil on canvas, 1653
3/8 x 53 5/8
inches (143.5 x 136.5 cm)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Manhattan




Aristotle with a Bust of Homer [detail: 1]
Oil on canvas, 1653
3/8 x 53 5/8
inches (143.5 x 136.5 cm)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Manhattan




 Hendrickje Bathing in a River
Oil on panel, 1654
1/4 x 18 1/2
inches (61.8 x 47 cm)
National Gallery, London




Oil on canvas, c.1655
1/4 x 24 3/4
inches (77 x 63 cm)
Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam




 The Artist's Son Titus
Oil on canvas, c.1657
7/8 x 22 3/8
inches (68.5 x 57 cm)
Wallace Collection, London




 Titus van Rijn in a Monk's Habit
Oil on canvas, 1660
1/4 x 26 1/2
inches (79.5 x 67.5 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




 The Conspiration of the Bataves
Oil on canvas, 1661-1662
1/8 x 121 5/8
inches (196 x 309 cm)
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm




 Sampling Officials of the Drapers' Guild
Oil on canvas, 1662
3/8 x 109 3/4
inches (191.5 x 279 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




 Frederick Rihel on Horseback
Oil on canvas, 1663
111 x 97
inches (282 x 248 cm)
National Gallery, London




 The Jewish Bride [detail: 1]
Oil on canvas, c.1665
3/4 x 65 1/2
inches (121.5 x 166.5 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




 Family Group
Oil on canvas, 1666-1668
1/2 x 65 5/8
inches (126 x 167 cm)
Herzog-Anton-Ulrich-Museum, Braunchweig




 Portrait of Two Figures from the Old Testament, known as 'The Jewish Bride'
Oil on canvas, 1667
3/4 x 65 1/2
inches (121.5 x 166.5 cm)
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam




 The Incredulity of St. Thomas
Oil on wood, 1634
x 20 inches (53 x 51 cm)
Pushkin Museum, Moscow




Descent from the Cross
Oil on canvas, 1634
x 46 inches (158 x 117 cm)
Hermitage, St Petersburg




The Sacrifice of Abraham
Oil on canvas, 1635
7/8 x 52 1/4
inches (193 x 133 cm)
Hermitage, St Petersburg




Belshazzar's Feast
Oil on canvas, 1635
1/8 x 82 1/4
inches (168 x 209 cm)
National Gallery, London




 The Blinding of Samson
Oil on canvas, 1636
7/8 x 118 7/8
inches (236 x 302 cm)
St?elsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt




 The Archangel Leaving the Family of Tobias
Oil on wood, 1637
7/8 x 20 3/8
inches (66 x 52 cm)
Mus? du Louvre, Paris




The Risen Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen
Oil on wood, 1638
24 x 19
inches (61 x 49.5 cm)
Royal Collection, Buckingham Palace, London




 Biblical Scene
Oil on wood, 1642
5/8 x 24 1/8
inches (73 x 61.5 cm)
Hermitage, St Petersburg



Oil on canvas, 98 x 79 cm
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm

The Heart's Voice - S.E.N.S.

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